It's a brilliant and lite little puzzle game.
A mix of 'Ending' and those sliding block puzzles.
It's nice a piece, it is.
+ Nice, simple and swell little puzzle paradigm it's got going on.
+ Changes mechanics often, has some variety of sorts to the challenge.
- Doesn't feel like anything especially new.
+ Instructions are there to guide, they're pretty well written.
-/+ No discernible story of sorts, but I suppose that's the point.
+ No mistakes in spelling and such. I admire that.
+ SFX are fitting and nice to listen to.
- No music. I guess it'd distract from the puzzles anyway.
+ The pixel-y flavor it's got fits the blockiness and stiffness of the concept.
+ Colorful enough.
- Feels a little bland, though.
+ Has a style to it, overall. Everything fits together to give the game a personality of sorts.