busy lmao


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ThePulp's News

Posted by ThePulp - April 3rd, 2017

Takes a week or two to finish one, total. Probably a whole day's worth of work (20 hours-ish) if you lump the hours of actual work together cumulatively.

I listen to various things to keep myself going, like David Cross standup specials, The Official Podcast, Slavoj Zizek mumbling to a live audience - stuff like that. These 4 drawings I have out so far (with 2 on the way) were done spread out in a span of 5 months.

I'm not proud of my work ethic, even at this rate.

There's dread that sets in if I lag behind with a specific artwork, but each new piece is a thing in drawing I have to exercise to be able to storyboard well so I feel a sense of personal satisfaction when I do finish. Maybe I should work on breaking out of the cartoon-style shell next...

Oh, and here's a WIP that'll probably only get finished once I get this Research bullshit out of the way:


Have a good one, Newgrounds.

Been a while.


Posted by ThePulp - August 19th, 2016

just got enough time and proper resources to access this place again

um, been drawing more often

writing skills have regressed, seemingly

also I ended up subconsciously re-drawing an old piece of mine, check 'em out:

3658287_147162519213_thepulp_m-e-m-o-r-y.jpg 3658287_147162519081_ngpulp_the-surreal-doctors.png

come a long way.


so uh the impulse to write a lot was replaced by the impulse to draw a lot

I've also recently wanted to get into theater/public speaking and/or VA but I always feel too tired to properly ham it up. From practicing drawing so much.


still, lovin' it in art school

I've never had this urge to feel so fucking involved with something

is it a trap






it probably is but I don't give a fuck

Posted by ThePulp - May 30th, 2016


Posted by ThePulp - October 29th, 2015



Posted by ThePulp - May 21st, 2015


Posted by ThePulp - May 19th, 2015

Well, this looks like it's worth documenting ala the Dovahkhiin1994 saga.
It's just as painful and it's even longer.

I'm not sure if Chris and Eric the same guy. They spout out the same bullshit and they use pictures of whoever the fuck that is, so...



- Threads by Christian Celeste -


- Threads by Erwin Smith -


(Updated until the Master Prophet ragequits.)

Posted by ThePulp - May 13th, 2015


"No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby."



Posted by ThePulp - May 1st, 2015


Posted by ThePulp - April 29th, 2015


Posted by ThePulp - April 29th, 2015

...while a guy rips into that ridiculous rant with gusto.

Absolutely disgusting.